Now the time has come my dear for you to wander else where but here. You will see the things that might make you smile or jump in fright. Don't be afraid, don't be alarmed, for only you can allow such harm. And if you're strong and if you stay, you might just wake to see another day. You've made your choice, you've said you vows, you pricked your finger, you've heard the howls. No turning back, no second thoughts, the dye is cast, and your future is now told. How, oh how did it come to this. Not more than two hours ago I had sat in the comfort and warmth of my grandparents house and made a choice that I was forced to make. She said it wouldn't be easy, she said that I would see with more than just my eyes, she said I would have to face things that most only dream of in nightmares, and now here I was. I was standing in the woods, deep in the dark woods that surrounded my grandparents house and I was waiting. I was waiting for what Ashlin said would be my initiation. It wasn't supposed to be me, my grandmother was the one that said she would handle it, but Ashlin remained firm in the belief that I should go, it was time for me to go.
So there I stood, waiting and watching, and wondering what I would have to contend with, what I would have to face. I sat down, and stayed firmly planted in the middle of the ring of salt that Ashlin said I should draw for protection. Nothing she said could harm me as long as I stayed in that circle. What I thought would I see? Would it be monster's from story books, trolls that sat under bridges looking for something to eat, or pleasant fairies that would take my apprehension and fear away?
The full moon was gleaming in the sky, and the air was still, and the night calm. And as I started to relax, I saw it. A ripple at first, a ripple in the air, like one that you might see in water coming at me from the trees in front of me. It drew closer and as it drew closer it became a ripple with light in it. And then I saw a figure being born from this ripple that was fast approaching. Before I could catch my breath it stood in front of me, she stood in front of me, ghastly white and glowing, and yet almost floating on the air and looking down at me with such warmth that I lost my fear and found myself more curious than scared.
"Who are you?" I said
The women looked down at me with warm eyes, and I saw what looked to me to be the beautiful women from The Birth of Venus. Except her hair was jet black, and she was as thin as a rail, and wearing what looked to be ivy.
"I am the mother of the crossroads. You have come to meet me have you not?"
"Yes" I said in a whisper.
"Well then you know why you are here, and I am to instruct you in your duty that you will meet to those that have lost their way."
"Those who have lost there way?"
"Yes, look." And with that she turned and stretched out her hand, and I saw a sight I thought might cause me to go weak in the knees and faint, but somehow I stayed alert and awake, and I couldn't, I just couldn't tear my eyes away from the terrific sight that stood in front of me.
(Please look back at old posts to start the beginning of this story. It has taken me awhile, but I promise I will finish it one of these days, it just seems to be a lot longer than I had planned. Oh well, stories once started have quite a mind of there own!!!!!!!)