Monday, August 18, 2008

Well I'll Be........

My daddy is probably one of the funniest people I know. He lives in South Florida where they are about to get hammered by that hurricane. It doesn't faze him much since he was raised there and has seen more storms than I could count on two hands. I got this email from him late last night. He is quite the writer in his spare time, and loves to send out these hilarious emails. I don't know how or where my daddy gets these crazy ideas but he does. Anyway he has an alias, he likes to act like he is cajun, which we are somewhere down the line, and he has renamed himself as you will see. Here is his hurricane list. 

Well , this time of year de only thing Boudreaux hate more than them damn Miami Harricanes is de real thing , I gawraantee .So , here he go again with de harricane prepared list :

1 . Go to liquor store

2 . harvest crawdad

3 . drink liquor

4 . bring in my bird dog Phidoux and Rove'

5 . Straps my wife Celestine to de big palm tree

6 . drink more . Celestine , she tough to strap down .

7. give bird dog Phidoux and Rove' a shot each . Celestine make them nervous too .

8 . Go back to liquor store

9 . Boil them crawdad

10 . Wait for damn storm


Sometimes It's Good said...

Your dad sounds like a lot of fun! I hope he is safe from the storm.

Rae said...

Phidoux was the funniest part of this hysterical email! Your father sounds like such a card! LOL

Tess Kincaid said...

Too cute!! Thanks for the giggles! :)

Prayers for his safety!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Oh, that's funny. You must print these emails out and save them to show the little b.Keeper just what his granddaddy is all about!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that he named his pretend cajun wife Celestine.

Betsy Brock said...


Margaret said...

This definitely made me laugh!

Unknown said...


Your dad's a mess! Love it! Hey, my fam's in Fl too. Central

Tess Kincaid said...

Good morning Em! I've got an award waiting for you at my place! :D

No mix ups this time, I promise! :):):)