Wednesday, September 3, 2008

~Lady Em's guide to those blasted hurricanes.

1. Become hysterical. (A lot of sighing, fanning your face, and saying "oh Lord" helps.)

2. Call your daddy, your mama, your sister's and brother's, your grandma and grandpa, your aunts, uncles, cousin's, and all your friends to talk about the storm and ask their advice. A rule of thumb, you probably won't have to ask for their advice because they will give it to you anyway.

3. Throw a fit. Depending on how many people are around, depends on the size of the fit.

4. Pack the dogs, your bible, your rifles and your best high heels.

5. Make sure you have a travel size bottle of bourbon in your purse, if your pregnant substitute for seltzer water and just pretend it is bourbon.

6. Talk to everyone you see about the hurricane. Don't worry they will be more than happy to talk to you to. Make sure you get everyone. The lady behind the counter at the gas station, the fast food restaurant folks, the old man in the pick up in the parking lot, the mama's and the little old ladies in the bathroom.

7. Make sure you sit in the back seat of the car, so you can take full advantage of talking your significant other's ear off while he just drives and nods.

8. When you get to your safe destination far away from the storm, cry and become hysterical again.

9. Call all your friends and family again, and say the same thing over and over again.

10. Stay glued to the news, and then cry again when the storm hits. (If you are pregnant you can blame this all on hormones.)


Tess Kincaid said...

You are too, too cute. Stay safe down there and take some deep breathes. :)

Betsy Brock said...

You could add Keep a Sense of Humor to that list....but I think you have done that already! safe!

Carrie said...

Yay! It looks like you are going to be spared the worst of the storm. How long are you going to be in Atlanta?

Pregnancy hormones are driving me crazy. I know I'm crazy but I can't seem to keep my crazy mouth shut. I'm turning into a drama queen, a high maintenance drama queen!

Margaret said...

Well, I would definitley be freaking out, pregnant or not! Hurricanes sounds so scary to me...I hope everything has calmed down a bit there.

Unknown said...

Based on the post you wrote about your daddy...
you're sounding like your daddy.

Ottilias Veranda said...

Humor is the best protection against all fears!! and you seem to posess a lot of it, that´s good!
Hope You and Your belly are doing allright!
Thank good we are totally blessed from these kind of storms and hurricanes in Sweden!

Have a great weekend anyway!